Monday, 4 January 2016

Man Puts All His Exes In A Group Chat And Gets Roasted Badly

Ex is the only word that arouses happy but sad feelings in all of us. People break up because 'it wasn't working' which translates to a whole load of the mess that had been created between the two. 
Who on earth wants to look back at their mistakes and invite trouble?
Well, this guy really must have had balls big enough to do that!
Below are the texts as expected but this somehow had a surprising twist by the end. 

This drunk guy created a group chat and added all his Exes

This drunk guy created a group chat and added all his Exes

I have a really bad feeling about this..

I have a really bad feeling about this..

It used to be mad love but now all they have got is bad blood

It used to be mad love but now all they have got is bad blood

Seems like Bella still got scars on her back from Tom's knife

Seems like Bella still got scars on her back from Tom's knife

Rubbing salt on your exes wounds isn't a good idea, monsieur!

Rubbing salt on your exes wounds isn't a good idea, monsieur!

What was shiny is now all rusted.

What was shiny is now all rusted.

Band aids don't fix bullet holes or in this case X-mas wishes don't fix breakups

Band aids don't fix bullet holes or in this case X-mas wishes don't fix breakups

Anyhow one of them agreed to catch up for good times sake

Anyhow one of them agreed to catch up for good times sake
Hence, all's well that ends well...cheers Tom.