Tuesday 29 December 2015

Here Are 5 Different Types of Tummies And How to Target Each For The Ultimate Belly Fat Loss

People often believe getting a washboard stomach requires hundreds of sit-ups, but according to A-listed trainers, there is no one trick that works for everyone. There are identified 5 tummy types that require different approaches to reach the desired shape.
Here are 5 different types of tummies and how to target each for the ultimate belly fat loss:
There are 5 Types of Tummy Which is Yours
  • The Spare Tire
Those with the spare tire usually lead sedentary lives, often with desk jobs, they are also more tempted by sugary foods. According to James this is one of the easiest tummy problems that can be eliminated. Not enough exercise and munching on the wrong foods cause the spare tire. Stay away from sugar and refined carbohydrates like biscuits, white bread, pasta, rice, and cakes. Start exercising more. If you don’t adopt these habits you are more likely to be overweight with excess fat on your legs and hips.
  • The Stress Tummy
People with stressed tummy are often over-achievers and are susceptible to digestive conditions like irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), which can cause bloating and make your tummy look bigger. You can easily identify a stress tummy with weight lying specifically to the front of the midriff and the umbilical area, when you touch them they are hard instead of soft.Avoid skipping meals, especially breakfast, and stop excess caffeine. Avoid junk foods for the sake of your tummy.
  • The Little Pooch
This tummy type happens to women who are busy with their families and/or have demanding careers. Even if they go to the gym they usually stick to the same foods and exercise. These foods can keep you slim but leave you with a little pooch. Avoid doing excess crunches and using gym items like ab-rollers as it puts pressure on the hip flexors and lower back which causes your tummy muscles to protrude and your tummy stick out.
  • The Mummy Tummy
The mummy tummy usually belongs to women who have given birth in the last few years and are typical mommies, who lack time for themselves. James states, “After giving birth, the uterus drops and is much heavier than it was pre-pregnancy.” Your tummy takes at least 6 weeks to return to its usual size, so don’t try too hard to get it back before then. You may need to increase blood flow and strengthen loose muscles. Avoid harsh exercise for 2-3 months after pregnancy, take a break!
  • The Bloated Tummy
These bellies are usually flat in the morning but as the day passes they swell up due to gas and indigestion. Bloating can affect slim and overweight women and is often caused by food intolerances and allergies or sluggish bowels as a result of poor diet.
Stop eating foods you feel you have intolerance for.