Tuesday, 29 December 2015

My neighbor is 57 years old, and her feet are like a twenty year old girl!

“My neighbor is 57 years old, and her feet are like a twenty year old girl” – argues the author of one website and proposes to us the recipe of that lady.
At the beginning, cracked heels are only an aesthetic problem, but if they are not treated, the cracks become deeper and the pain occurs because the dirt that collects in them can become infected. Therefore it is necessary to respond as quickly as possible.
Thickening of the feet, which leads to reduced blood circulation and elasticity occurs due to excess dead skin.  It can be solved using a pumice stone or a file. This is best done after a shower or bath when the skin is soft. Dead skin cannot be removed with a sharp object as it may remove too much skin, which leads to infection.
My neighbor is 57 years old, and her feet are like a twenty year old girl!
After removing the dead skin of the foot it needs to be nurtured in order to recover from the treatment. To do this, you can use all sorts of creams such as moisturizers, and various remedies that you can make yourself at home. Olive or coconut oil is very useful in the recovery of the skin; it’s enough to just apply it with circular movements and leave it there for a while.
Finally, treat yourself to a foot bath in which you can put olive oil, lime blossom, or rosemary that will help in the circulation. Remember, cracked heels can lead to various problems. Proper and regular care of your feet will help them stay beautiful and healthy as ever.
Blisters or blistering
Blisters form when the skin that has become coarse and thickened due to prolonged friction, pressure or any other form of irritation (usually because of too narrow shoes or high heels). It is formed in places where the pressure is increased.  eg. At or below the toe joints of the toes.
Corns are usually irregularly shaped, white, gray, or yellow. Most often they appear on the outside of the big toe or little toe, which areas are usually at greatest pressure. Corns between the toes are called soft corns because they are not as hard as others because of the moist skin between your fingers.
If you are having cracks, calluses, or corns, this amazing recipe will surely help you!

  • 10 tablets of aspirin or Andol (300 mg)
  • 250 ml brandy (brandy suggests), or 70% strength of Medicine, alcohol
  • Take 10 tablets of aspirin or Andol (300 mg), grind them, and make them like powder.
  • Mix them with 250 ml of brandy (or 70% medical alcohol) and let them stay for 1-2 days.
  • Every night shake the tincture and dip in it a piece of folded gauze.
  • Put a compress on your heel (calluses, foot), wrap your foot with a nylon bag and put on your socks. Leave the compress to stay overnight.
  • In the morning, wash your foot with warm water, wipe it, and apply a greasy leg cream or glycerin.
  • After 10 treatments, your foot and heel will be clear and there will be no trace of rough skin or hard deposits.
  • Also you can clean your foot using a heel brush or a heel stone, and then apply the cream.
  • With this tincture you can also treat painful places in varicose veins (varicosities). All you need to do is massage the painful places with this mixture and the pain will disappear immediately.
  • You can also treat osteochondrosis with this tincture. Massage the painful place, where the salt precipitation occurs, the pain will disappear.

We Drink It Daily, But Don’t Know That It Causes Breast Cancer!

One study conducted in Norway found that those people who drink 3 cups of milk a day have three times greater chance of developing breast cancer than those who drank only half a cup or less. Surely you have already noticed that breast cancer is in expansion, so it seems that the milk is responsible for the increased risk.
Previously it was believed that milk accelerates the development of cancer that already exists, but now scientists say it may be the reason for an increase in cancer patients in a wider scale. Most of the patients come from Finland, Sweden, Britain, Canada, and America. All these countries are first in consumption of milk. The Norwegian study reveals that breast cancer is extremely rare, and that does not exist in cultures where milk consumption is very small.
Breast Cancer
It is already known that hormones and growth factors in milk have carcinogenic potential, but it also applies to synthetic supplements of vitamin D, which are often enriched milk and other dairy products.
It is believed that those who are suffering from breast cancer consume twice as much synthetic vitamin D, unlike the others. But there are other reasons to be kept in mind. The number of cases has grown along with the consumption of dough, sugar and certain types of meat (especially pork), and reducing the consumption of raw vegetables and fish.
On the other hand, bras, especially those that are too tight can also increase the risk. Women who regularly wear a bra for 12 hours, have an increased risk of breast cancer 20 times more than those who use it rarely or never wear it, especially when it comes to bras with metal support.

6 Reasons Why You Missed Your Period!

If your period shows up like clockwork each month, being even a few days late can make you jump to conclusions. If you’ve already ruled out pregnancy, you’re probably wondering what the deal is. Before you have a full-blown freak-out, know that plenty of girls experience missed periods—scientifically known as amenorrhea—for a variety of reasons. The most important thing is to figure out what the cause is behind your missed menstruation and to get your body back on track as soon as possible. We talked to Dr. Traci Brooks, Director of Adolescent Health Services at Cambridge Health Alliance, to get the scoop. Here are some of the most common reasons why you missed your period.
6 Reasons Why You Missed Your Period!
  1. Increased Stress
If you have been going through a stressful few weeks (maybe you just started a new job or internship) and your period seems to have disappeared, it could be due to a temporary bout of increased stress. A collegiate at Hiram College knows all too well how stress can affect the regularity of menstruation. She explains, “I get on a roll with taking a lot of classes and planning the future that it wears me out sometimes. I’ve been doing full semesters year-round to finish my B.A. and I have trouble relaxing, so my period will be delayed occasionally. It makes me nervous when that happens, especially if I just spent some ‘quality time’ with a guy, so I’ve started keeping track of my periods. I think my body has gotten used to my crazy schedule, so my periods are fairly regular now.”
Dr. Brooks explains, “Stress hormones, like cortisol, are overproduced, and this keeps the brain from producing the necessary hormones, making it so ovulation and the subsequent production of estrogens and progesterone do not occur.” Basically, without the appropriate hormones, no menstruation will occur.
Once stress levels are back to normal, menstruation usually will return relatively quickly, either delayed by a couple of weeks or an entire cycle. Dr. Brooks has seen many cases where patients report getting their menses back as soon as the main stressor is lessened. And don’t let the stress of not getting your period stress you out even more! Check out these 10 ways to reduce stress so you can stay calm.

  1. Excessive Weight Loss
Losing too much weight for your body type can cause you to miss your period. How much is too much weight? Dr. Brooks explains, “Weight loss of more than 10% of ideal body weight can cause amenorrhea.” So if your ideal body weight is 130 pounds, losing 13 pounds could put you at risk for missing your period.
A person’s ideal body weight depends on a multitude of factors including age, height, skeletal structure, and metabolic rate. It sounds complicated because it is. However, using one’s body mass index (BMI) is a great way to determine one’s ideal body weight. BMI is calculated by weight in kilos divided by height in meters. An ideal BMI ranges between 18.5 and 24. Dr. Brooks suggests another rough estimate for ideal body weight, which consists of measuring your height and using 100 pounds for the first five feet, then adding an additional five pounds for each additional inch. Using this method, a 5’3” woman would have an ideal body weight of 115 pounds.
Dr. Brooks also warns that women tend to be nutritionally deficient if they are losing too much weight. She explains, “When a woman is at a nutritional deficit, she generally has a low fat intake, which can lead to decreased body fat mass, resulting in amenorrhea.” According to the Center for Young Women’s Health at the Boston Children’s Hospital, this is generally why individuals with anorexia nervosa, bulimia, or other disordered eating tend to have amenorrhea.
It truly depends on the individual when it comes to menses returning. The best way to determine your unique situation is to seek a doctor’s opinion. However, Dr. Brooks does emphasize that women are more likely to lose menses with quicker weight loss than weight loss that takes place over a longer period of time.

  1. Excessive Weight Gain
In the same way that excessive weight loss causes amenorrhea, so can excessive weight gain. Dr. Brooks explains, “Too much weight gain can cause excess estrogen storage in fatty tissues which then gets partially converted by the body to androgens which can cause thinning of the uterine lining and decreased ovulation.” Additional side effects of excessive weight gain include acne, increased facial and body hair, high blood pressure, and diabetes.
The easiest way to bring back your menstrual cycle is to simply lose any excess weight, so that you reach your ideal weight. Meeting with a nutritionist or dietician would be ideal to ensure that you are going about the weight loss in as healthy a way as possible. These 10 tips for healthy weight loss can also help you get going in the right direction.
Again, there is no exact formula as to when your period will return so the best thing to do is to seek your doctor’s professional opinion based on your particular situation.

  1. PCOS
Polycystic ovary syndrome (known as PCOS) is an endocrine disorder that usually manifests itself once a woman begins menstruating. Like the name suggests, PCOS is characterized by small cysts in the ovaries and occurs due to an imbalance in the female sex hormones. Women living with PCOS typically have irregular menstrual cycles, excess hair growth, or acne, and are often overweight. PCOS is one of the most common endocrine disorders in women and according to a study by Dr. Robert Barbieri and Dr. David Ehrmann, accounts for approximately 20 percent of cases of missed periods. In most of these cases, women experience oligomenorrhea, where they get their period infrequently, usually 4-6 times a year.
If you think you might have PCOS, there are three signs to look for. The first criterion is known as hyperandrogenism, which manifests itself as acne or excessive hair growth. The second criterion is missing your period and the third criterion is polycystic ovaries, which can only be discovered through an ultrasound. If you suspect you may have PCOS, see a gynecologist to get checked out.

  1. Over-exercising
An excessive increase in exercise typically has a similar effect on your menstrual cycle as excessive weight loss. This is because over-exercising usually is one of the causes behind weight loss of more than 10% of an individual’s ideal body weight. Dr. Brooks labels the effects of increased exercise and excessive weight loss as the “female athletic triad,” which consists of disordered eating, amenorrhea, and osteoporosis/osteopenia.
There are certain kinds of exercise that increase the risk of not getting your period. Women who participate in long distance running, ballet, gymnastics, and figure skating tend to experience what is known as athletic amenorrhea. Dr. Brooks explains, “Exercises that really emphasize body type and small size are known to cause amenorrhea. Crew has also been known to be a problem, but really any exercise that gets a woman’s body mass down more than 10% is an issue.”
If you are a college athlete, a marathoner, or just like getting your sweat on, there are things you can do to help regulate your period. Dr. Brooks suggests maximizing calcium and vitamin D intake. She also advises, “Athletes should be followed by a physician routinely as well as have a bone density scan and consequent program created for them.”

  1. Chronic Illness
Women with certain chronic illnesses are more likely to experience irregular or missed menstrual periods due to low weight or a flare in illness. Dr. Brooks shares that diseases such as Crohn’s disease, diabetes, ulcerative colitis, lupus, cystic fibrosis, sickle disease, and certain types of cancer are likely to affect a woman’s menstrual cycle.
Harper from The College of William & Mary experienced amenorrhea while having mono. She recalls, “Back in high school I had a bout of mono and for like 3-4 months afterward I didn’t have a period. The doctors were drawing a lot of blood out of me for testing since the mono had affected my liver. I’m also borderline anemic and had a lot of infections that summer due to my weakened immune system. It was a really huge mess.”
So, if your period is usually regular but then you come down with something like mono and it disappears, it may just be a matter of waiting until your immune system is back on track to know if the sickness is the culprit. However, if you have a chronic illness that’s causing you to miss your period frequently, then talk to your doctor or a gyno about ways to regulate it.

This is Why You Have Bloated Stomach and How to Get Rid of Bloating and Lose Weight Overnight!

Imagine a scenario in which I let you know there was a bacterium out there that has tainted 2/3 of the populace. You would presumably let me know I am insane and laugh it off. Yet, actually there is an intestinal bacteria out there that has been creating a few issues for quite a long time.
Have any of you known about H Pylori, or Helicobacter Pylori? If you have not heard of it that is not your fault. This bacterium is an asymptomatic intestinal bacteria that is difficult to identify without proper medicinal examination.
This is Why You Have Bloated Stomach and How to Get Rid of Bloating and Lose Weight Overnight

How can you tell?

It is additionally known for its embarrassing manifestations that include burping, bloating, heartburn, esophageal reflux, constipation, diarrhea, flatulence and upper and mid-stomach torment. For some, these side effects are difficult to identify with this bacterium. Numerous individuals simply think indications like these are typical bodily capacities.
H Pylori is the main source of gastritis, which is an inflammation of the stomach lining. This is in charge of 90% of every duodenal ulcer and about 80% of every single gastric ulcer. H Pylori can likewise bring about various non-digestive conditions including cardiovascular issue, headaches and Raynaud’s sickness, which is the impaired circulation in the hands and feet.
This bacterium could likewise bring about depression and nervousness. This is on the grounds that H Pylori can bring about a lack of serotonin in the brain. Now you understand why numerous individuals regularly feel uncomfortable in public places when this bacterium is floating around within them.

It can happen to you

It can be difficult to concentrate and deal with an issue like this, particularly when you have no idea what is going inside of you. The bacterium lives essentially in the stomach lining of people and creatures. This is frequently not connected with causing issues like anxiety and sadness. Be that as it may, the bacterium works in sneaky approaches to change the way you feel without you giving it much thought.
Numerous individuals contract H Pylori by ingesting tainted food or water. This happens by means of fecal matter. If individuals set up your food without washing their hands you could be at danger of contracting H Pylori. Try to check the conditions of any restaurant you enter, and in addition the cleanliness of your home.

What can you do about it?

More than 80% of cases have had H Pylori effectively irradiated. Anti-infection agents are likewise extremely valuable in cases like this. Counsel your specialist to get the correct medicine. In most cases antibiotics would not be required, but rather for the purpose of this issue it is best you look for medical attention.
Keeping up a decent eating routine is likewise imperative to keeping this bacterium far from your stomach. Ensuring you get a lot of vitamins A, C and E is a decent start, alongside zinc, all of which secure your stomach lining. You can likewise attempt probiotics like lactobacillus and bifidobacterium to protect you also.
The introductory wellspring of H Pylori is not completely known, but rather there are suggestions for avoiding this issue. Make sure you keep up great cleanliness like washing your hands frequently and in addition drinking water from a safe source.
If you feel you are at danger of contracting H Pylori contact your specialist and have an appropriate examination. You can never be excessively careful when it comes to problems like this, particularly in the event that it could bring about an issue for your social or work life.

How can you lose weight?

Make this drink and drink it if you want to feel lighter and more energetic in the same time.
Needed ingredients:
  • 1 lemon
  • 1 cucumber
  • 1 tablespoon of grated ginger
  • 1 tablespoon of aloe vera juice
  • A bunch of either cilantro or parsley
  • ½ glass of water
It is easy to make as it is easy to drink, just put all of the ingredients, blend it and drink it.
How it Works?
You feel reduce fat especially belly fat by drinking just one glass of this juice. This ingredients are put together to help your metabolism to burn fa while you are sleeping. The combination of the ingredients is proven to speed up the metabolism, so even when you are sleeping the metabolism is working on full speed.
Fat burning properties for each ingredient:
  • Cucumbers are very powerful for fighting fat. They are a key element in any weight loss program.
  • Parsley and cilantro are very low in calories and they are both loaded with antioxidants, as well as vitamins and minerals that are extremely powerful for easing water retention, thus, they help to deflate an inflated tummy.
  • Ginger steps up the metabolism and also prevents constipation. This ingredient will help to burn off that stubborn belly fat while you sleep.
  • Lemon juice is very effective for flushing out toxins that accumulate in the body.
  • Aloe Vera juice is exceptionally powerful for weight loss.
Stay Hydrated: Drink Lots of Water
The water is essential for efficient burning of calories. If you have lack of hydration, the metabolism will reduce its work and won’t be able to burn calories as is supposed to do.
Give your metabolism a little boost by drinking a lot of water.

WARNING! Never Reheat These 7 Foods, They Can Be Poisoned For You

Most people get into the habit of reheating their last night leftovers and turn them into a whole new meal. Some foods can be reheated as many times as you like, but some of them can be dangerous to your health, once you heat them up.
Who would have thought that these foods can poison you? The fact is that heat can cause the nitrates of these vegetables to turn toxic when they’re heated up a second time.
Please read on and check out the 7 foods you should never eat after reheating.
Never Reheat These 7 Foods
Never heat up spinach for the second time because it can be dangerous to your health. Once cooked, it is recommended to eat spinach immediately.
Spinach is packed with high amount of nitrates which when  heated up they can turn into nitrites. This way, they can release carcinogenic properties that can be very harmful to the human body.
We often use celery for soups. It is rich in nitrates as well. When you heat up your soup with celery, nitrates can be turned into nitrites. Therefore, take out the celery when you want to warm up your soup. Carrots should not be reheated too.
This veggie is high in nitrates. Therefore this is the food that should not be re-heated. Beets should only be warmed up but not reheated.
Potatoes are packed with large amount of healthy nutrients and they are very good for you. But when they are left  to cool down or for a day or two, they can lose their healthy nutrients. At this point they can be more harmful than useful for our body.
Eggs can be life – threatening if they are exposed to high temperatures or are being warmed up. This doesn’t apply to  foods that contain eggs drying their preparation. It is related to heating up boiled or fried eggs.
Chicken can be deadly if it is reheated for the second time. You may experience some digestive problems because the proteins structure change. Chicken contains more proteins than the red meat. It is preferable to eat cold chicken. But, if you still want to eat it warm, then be sure that the temperature is low and that the warming process lasts longer.
It is known that mushrooms are the most important food that shouldn’t be warmed up. In general mushrooms should be eaten right after preparation. If you want to eat them the next day, be sure to consume them cold. If not, they can cause digestive problems and additional heart problems.
It is of great significance if you pay attention on what kind of leftovers you heat up in the oven or the microwave. You should certainly think twice before you start warming up some of these foods. Unless you want to deal with potential health problems, avoid reheating food.

Very Simple Exercise To Lose 25 cm In The Waist In Just 10 Days!

This series will leave no muscle unworked—it engages nearly 400 of them (in your arms, abs, legs, butt, and then some!) for serious head-to-toe and front-to-back sculpting. The moves are strategically placed in order to fatigue the muscles, allowing you to work each one deeply for overall strengthening, balance, and proportion. Building strength and allowing the body’s muscles to work together as one cohesive instrument will give lasting results and a lean and even-toned frame. Do the workout six days a week (four if you’re strapped for time), following each strength session with 30 to 60 minutes of cardio, and you could lose up to 10 inches over your whole body in 10 days.
  1. Single-leg kick
Exercise 1
Targets: shoulders, chest, sides, core, glutes, inner thighs and hamstrings
Start on all fours, with hands placed right over left directly below chest, knees slightly wider than hip-width apart and feet pointing out (A). Pull abs in, lift right leg and extend it out diagonally from body (B). Return to start. Do 30 to 40 reps.
  1. Plank with arm/leg lift
Exercise 2
Targets: upper back, chest, sides, core, and glutes
Start in plank with legs slightly wider than hip-width (A). Lift left arm out to side while raising right leg diagonally away from body until both arm and leg are higher than back (B.) Pulse up for 30 to 40 reps.
  1. Side hip drop and kick
Exercise 3
Targets: shoulders, upper back, core, glutes, and outer thighs
Start kneeling; reach left hand to floor so it’s in line with left knee. Place right hand along right leg. (Keep chest up and left arm straight). With hips stacked, lower them to 6 inches off the floor (A). Push hips back to start as you extend right leg straight out to side (B). Do 30 to 40 reps. Keep gaze down so that neck stays in a neutral position.
  1. Army crawl leg extension
Exercise 4
Targets: shoulders, back, chest, abs, glutes, and inner thighs
Lie face down with hands under shoulders, elbows bent, right leg at 90 degrees with inner thigh on the floor and left leg extended straight back on the floor (A). Push up until arms are straight, bend left leg until kneeling (keep foot off the floor) and extend right leg straight back (B). Lower down, pulling right knee back into a 90-degree angle. Return to start. Repeat 30 to 40 times.
  1. All-fours leg swing
Exercise 5

Targets: back, chest, arms, sides, glutes, and outer thighs
Start on all fours with hands in fists. Extend right leg straight back, reaching lower leg toward left side. In one fluid motion, drop your left forearm to the ground (A) and swing right leg out to right side as leg fully extends (B). Return to start. Do 30 to 40 reps. Don’t place entire body weight on or sink into the elbow.
  1. Grand pile with kick
Targets: back, chest, arms, abs, glutes, inner thighs, quads, and hamstrings
Stand with heels together and toes pointed out. Lower hips down while allowing knees to open and heels to rise (A). Drop down to kneeling position (B). Place hands on the ground and extend right leg straight back, then lift (C). Perform entire movement in reverse. Do 30 to 40 reps.Exercise 6

7 Signs of Cervical Cancer That Women Need to Observe

Cervical or cervix cancer can be deadly for women. Although statistics about this cancer is frightening, cervical cancer can be prevented, and treated if diagnosed early.

Most often, cervical cancer is caused by HPV or the human papillomavirus. This virus is highly contagious, as it is an STI (sexually transmitted infection) and comes in many types but only some of them cause cervical cancer. In some cases, a HPV infection might go away on its own, but it also could cause abnormal cell growth that may lead to cervical cancer.

Cervical cancer may show no obvious or apparent signs as breast cancer, however, there are symptoms which should be alarming if noticed, and a gynecologist must be contacted immediately. These are the following:

Unusual discharge
At the point when the disease starts to develop inside the cervix, the cells of the uterine divider start to free, which delivers a watery release.

As per gynecologist Rosa Maria Leme, “The presence of little warts (remotely or inside) serve as a warning… maladies, for example, HPV, which can enormously builds the shots of cervical disease in women.”

Pain or bleeding
Cervical growth develops on the cervix’s dividers which can dry out and even split, bringing on distress and bleeding. There may be rectal or bladder bleeding. Any seeping outside your menstrual period ought to be examined.
  1. Anemia
In the event that your dietary patterns have not changed regardless you feel exhausted, or if your heart paces up after typical effort, you may have indications of paleness. Sickliness can be brought about by anomalous bleeding, which regularly goes with cervical tumor.
  1. Urinary problems
As the cervix swells, the bladder and kidneys may be packed, deterring the entry of urine. Subsequently, you will most likely be unable to totally exhaust your bladder, bringing about torment and/or a urinary tract contamination.
  1. Continuous pain in the legs, hips or back
Likewise, the swelling cervix compresses inner organs. Veins might likewise be compacted, making it troublesome for blood to achieve the pelvis and legs, bringing about torment and swelling in the legs and lower legs.
  1. Weight loss
Most types of malignancies decrease or even stifle longing. The cervix’s swelling can compress the stomach, bringing about diminished appetite and weight reduction.
The best-known risk factors for cervical cancer are:
  •  Smoking or breathing in second-hand smoke
  • Having multiple sexual partners
  • Having unprotected sex
  • Having low immunity
Since a STI is the most widely recognized reason for cervical tumor, it is good to be mindful of the signs and side effects of HPV. Furthermore, deterrent exams like a pap smear can help identify cervical growth at an opportune time. Those preventive exams (like a pap smear) ought to be yearly.

The Length of Your Thumb Reveals How You Behave in Love Relationships

If you already analyzed the pinky, your index finger, and your finger prints, it is now your turn to look at the thumb. The ratio of the parts up to and from the wrist is hiding some of your personality traits.
You are a faithful and passionate person. Once you fall in love, you’re head over heels for him/her and tend to be obsessive. Other things such as work or study may get neglected. If your lover is late in replying messages or not much getting in touch with you, you will go crazy and try to call his/her phone many times. Be careful you might scare him/her away.
The Length of Your Thumb Reveals How You Behave in Love Relationships
The first half and the second half of thumb are the same length:
You like to plan everything and carry them out in a specific approach, which makes you can achieve your goals. You are calm and composed, no matter what happens. In terms of love is the same. You can judge his/her feeling objectively. You won’t let emotions to get you carried away. But, because of your calmness, it’s unlikely to move fast in a relationship; at most you just end up in ambiguous relationship.
The second half of thumb is longer than the first one:
You are trustable and reliable for people around you. You also have a good observation skill. You take a lot of time to think things and move slowly. In terms of love is the same. Even if you feel you have a crush on someone, you would restrain your feeling. It’s easy for you to miss the change since you’re too conscious of other people’s face.

This Is How To Clean The Dirtiest Part Of The Body From Germs And Bacteria

To be healthy you must take care about your body. Showering is a very important part of the personal hygiene. Every day on our body and clothes are ‘’coming’’ many microorganisms which are dangerous for our health. One part of the body is still dirty and after showering. This body part we are speaking of is the belly button. It is the most inaccessible body part, which makes it a real source of bacteria.
It has specific shape and for that you can clean it only with showering. You must take care of it and start to clean it very well because it is a place where microorganisms live. If you don’t clean your belly button well it becomes a place for developing the microorganisms and this can cause many health problems.
How to clean
Before taking a shower dip the q-tip in a medicinal alcohol and clean thoroughly that area.
During your shower, dip the q-tip in a shower gel and do the same as before, clean that area completely.
Then, wash the belly button with lukewarm water and dry it well with a cotton cloth or a towel.

Salt Water — Make a solution with a teaspoon of table salt and a cup of warm water. Using your finger or a washcloth, gently rub this solution around the inside of your belly button. After a short time, rinse the area with unsalted water and dry it gently. This method is particularly effective if you have noticed an unusual odor coming from your belly button.
Rubbing Alcohol — Dip a cotton swab in rubbing alcohol, and gently swab rub inside of your belly button. Repeat this step until your belly button is clean, rinse the area with water, and dry it.
Outer (outie belly button):
Moisten the top of the cotton cloth and add some shower gel.
Clean the belly button, then wash it with lukewarm water and dry it with a towel.

How To Get Rid Of Toothache And Relieve Pain At Home In Just A 3 Minutes?

The main cause of toothaches for most children and adults is tooth decay. The bacteria that live in our mouth thrive on the sugars and starches found in the food that we eat. These bacteria form a sticky plaque that clings to the surface of the teeth. Here’s some advice on relieving toothache at home.
Relieve Pain At Home In Just A 3 Minutes
  • Salt in warm water
Put a tablespoon of salt in a glass of warm water and mix it. Use this water to thoroughly flush your mouth with it. It will help you reduce swelling and inflammation.
  • Onion can help
Onions have powerful antiseptic and antimicrobial properties. To relieve the pain, simply chew a raw onion for a few minutes
  • Coffee
Caffeine in coffee stimulates the hurting area. Use tepid coffee as a rinse to ameliorate pain.
  • Garlic
Another efficient home remedy for toothache is the miraculous garlic. For best results, you should chew one or two garlic cloves. Another alternative is to crush a garlic clove or take some garlic powder and mix it with some table salt. Apply this directly on the infected tooth. This treatment should be done for a few days.
  • Peppermint leaves
Bite some fresh peppermint leaves with the aching tooth. You can use dried leaves if you can’t find fresh ones.
  • Oil pulling
Take 2 tablespoons of oil and swish it for 15-20 minutes on empty stomach. Besides for reducing the tooth infection, this is also good for dealing with bad breath and yellow teeth.
  • Tea bag
Black tea is very beneficial, because the presence of the astringent tannis helps big time in reducing pain and swelling.
  • Ice cube pack at home
Relieve pain by preparing an ice cube pack at home. Crush some ice, put it in gauze and press it over your jaw or cheeks. You can also put a crushed ice cube in your mouth or gargle with icy cold water for a few minutes.
  • Guava leaves
Another fantastic remedy for toothaches is the guava. Simply chew 2 or 3 guava leaves. You can also put some guava leaves in boiling water adding some salt in it. When it cools off, use it as a mouth wash.

Stop Immediately Eating These Top 10 Most Unhealthy Cancer Causing Foods

Everybody is aware of the global statement that everything causes cancer nowadays. The way that things are going, we might me asked to stop breathing, since it might also be related to cancer. However, to be honest, a lot of the food we consume these days is not beneficial, but it can really cause cancer.
Cancer Causing Food\
These foods are the following:
  1. Genetically Modified Foods
It is proved that all genetically modified foods cause cancer. Instead using this type of food, replace it with natural, organic food.
  1. Processed Meats
Sausages, bacon, hot dogs, lunch meat and any other kind of processed meat are full of chemical preservatives to make them seem fresh. They mostly contain sodium nitrate and sodium nitrite, which are related to cancer, especially colon cancer.
  1. Microwave Popcorns
Bags in which these popcorns are popped are known to be lined with various chemicals, also linked to infertility. Besides to infertility, these chemicals are linked to cancer as well, especially lung, liver, testes and pancreas cancer. You should strictly avoid them.
  1. Pop sodas
Pop sodas contain colors, sugar and food chemicals in great quantities, which release acid into the body. This is known to cause cancer. That is why you should drink them as less as you can.\
  1. The “diet” brands of drinks and sodas
They are very unhealthy. They contain aspartame and artificial sweeteners, things that are known to be cancer related, but also related to birth defects.
  1. Hydrogenated oils
Their aim is preserving the processed food and prolong their life span on the shelves in the stores. When ingested, these oils change the structure of the membranes of the cells in the body, and in a negative way.
  1. Conventional fruits
The most of the fruits we find in the stores are not organic, whether they be apples, grapes and almost all kinds of fruits. They are also all treated with pesticide, which also cause cancer.
  1. Refined white flours and sugars
Refined sugars are known to cause cancer, as well as hyperglycemia. The refined flour contains too much carbohydrates and this is one of the reasons it is linked to breast cancer and growth of the cancer cells.
  1. There is no vitamin D in farmed salmon
This food is on the list of foods causing cancer because it is over contaminated with antibiotics, pesticide, retardants, carcinogens, PCBs and other harmful substances.
  1. Refined sugar
It increases the levels of the blood insulin immediately and provides energy for the cancer cells. Sweeteners rich in fructose, like high fructose corn syrup for instance, are a rich source of energy for proliferation and metabolism of cancer cells. Products that increase the risk of cancer and you should avoid are: pies, cookies, cakes, juices, sauces, cereals etc. One of the reasons that the cancer cases’ number in the world is increasing is the intake of these foods, especially in great amounts.